Saturday, October 16, 2010

From my drafts folder!

If I have already shared this, please forgive me the repeat!

I just wrote an entire post for here and it wouldn't sent (something about html tags not being accepted) and even after deleting everything I could think it would be --- it wouldn't post or save. I copied and pasted and planned to start over but copied something else in the process and lost the whole thing!
I'll just a share the basic content of the original post:
• Grandkids are growing up so fast! Emily Skye is our oldest grandlittle and she will be starting SCHOOL next year! Caden is going to be 3 in a few months --- unreal! Hailey Hope recently turned ONE! The baby grandbit is six months …he has already been here half of a year!
• Emily wanted me to help her make some paper flowers from a book her Uncle and Aunt got her. We made two darling flowers and her mother made one herself. Such a cute idea --- I am making a list of all the things I want to do with them!
• After flower making was over, we plopped down on the couch to watch a movie. MY DIH {Daughter-in-Heart…new one☺) and I realized we didn't have time so the kids watched Noggin and they pushed each other in order to have a place in Nandy's laps. I know it is plural. Emily must have figured two legs meant two laps bec she has called mine that since she was a small baby and could make out the word. Now, they are all calling it my "laps" … smiles.

"Few things are more delightful than grandchildren fighting over your lap." Doug Larson

Update: Caden will be three in less than a month! Hailey Hope is now 14 months and Elijah is 8 months this month! 

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